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G’day, I’m Rita

I help people get real clear on their greatest passion to find their dream job or recruit it into a business idea and monetise it.


Career Advice Students and Parents

Career Advice for Students, this is the BEST career advice if you're graduating from school, changing jobs, looking for a job or shaking up your hustle. I would love your thoughts and comments below, ask me questions...Tell me what you want to hear more of and don't...

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Is Career Change Worth It?

Is a Career Change Worth It? Short answer, NO. Unless you've got the stomach for these 5 key essential building blocks that make the change EASIER. Listen IN. I'll keep posting these trainings but I want all of you to put the work in. Comment below, ask me...

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Find Your PASSION (Minus Your Resume)



Plus Join Weekly Readers To Discover The CONFIDENCE And COURAGE  To Pursue THE HIGHEST VISION for YOU.

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